Internet of Things ‘bubble’ to burst 14 years after Dotcom bubble
This post originally appeared on the Sogeti Labs blog The year 1997 was a remarkable year in the IT world. From this period until the year 2000 there happened something […]
My thoughts on emerging technology
The impact of new technology on people, economy, society, business, ethics and religion
This post originally appeared on the Sogeti Labs blog The year 1997 was a remarkable year in the IT world. From this period until the year 2000 there happened something […]
This post originally appeared on the Sogeti Labs blog Two years ago, Forrester Consulting commissioned a study for Zebra Technologies on the topic: “2012 Enterprise Internet of Things Adoption Outlook.” […]
This post originally appeared on the Sogeti Labs blog Where in prior times marketing was another way to say your business was doing advertisement, marketing has a way different meaning […]
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