Dit artikel verscheen in het Nederlands en Engels op het platform Innovation Origins Opinie – De European Chips Act zal bijdragen aan de Europese (regionale) concurrentiepositie op het gebied van […]
A regional reflection: The Dutch High Tech and Semiconductor region in the Brainport Eindhoven is responsible for approximately 40% of all patents in the Netherlands. Patents, one of the innovation parameters, show us that the Dutch are an innovation powerhouse in hardware innovation. Two (of the many) reasons are the presence of strong campuses like the High-Tech campus, the Eindhoven University of Technology, Brainport industry campus, Helmond Automotive campus amongst others. The campuses shape a unique start- and scale up climate that fits Brabant’s entrepreneurship. Another reason is the presence of global (often Dutch found and hardware-oriented) companies like ASML, NXP Semiconductors, Vanderlande, VDL group, Signify (previously Philips Lightning, Philips Royal amongst others.
This blog originally appeared on the Caesar Experts blog Internet of Things as a buzzword The Internet of Things (IoT) is a buzzword which cannot be removed from our trend […]
This article originally appeared on SogetiLabs It does not matter how big or small you are. Concepts of innovation are overwhelming your feeds on different social platforms. Over-hyped technology buzz-words and start-up […]
This article originally appeared on Capgemini ‘s Expert Connect “Capping IT off” blog in the category: Digital Strategies. This blog post is a joint effort of SogetiLabs members Jaap Bloem […]